Perry (Peregrine) now holds the title of Blood Lord of his
tribal group the Tides. Since the Tides don’t take kindly to Dwellers, Aria is
considered an outsider. The struggle to be accepted has left Aria estranged. When Roar decides to leave the Tides to
hopefully rescue Liv (Perry’s sister), Aria travels with him to another tribe
called the Horns.
Meanwhile, the Aether storms continue to scorch the earth.
No place seems safe. Maybe a large cave will give the Tides shelter.
Sable is the Blood Lord of the Horns. His marriage to Liv is
about to take place. Have Aria and Roar come in the nick of time to stop it?
As the Aether storms rage, even the ultra-technical pod Reverie
is no longer viable. Will it be possible to rescue Talon from Reverie before the
Pod is ruined? Everyone thinks survival from the Aether storms is tied to finding the elusive Still Blue. No one seems to know if the Still Blue really exists yet alone how to find it.
Read Through the Ever
Night to see what happens!