School Library Media Specialist at Amity Middle School Orange posts reviews of young adult titles that she has read and enjoyed.
Amity Middle School Orange Book Blog
Read reviews by an avid young adult book enthusiast.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
All the Broken Pieces
If you are a fan of novels written in free verse and you enjoy baseball, you are going to love this novel! Matt was born during the Vietnam War to a Vietnamese mother and an American solider. Wisely, his birth mother realizes that his chances for a good life are in his being airlifted out of Vietnam at the end of the war rather than trying to survive his mixed race status in his very unstable home country. It has been two years since his adoption by his very supportive American parents. Despite their support, Matt suffers from ridicule by his American classmates--one in particular. Luckily for Matt, he is involved in baseball where there is a very supportive coach. This coming of age story about a boy who is struggling with his identity will particularly appeal to boys.
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