Amity Middle School Orange Book Blog

Read reviews by an avid young adult book enthusiast.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trash by Andy Mulligan

How could reading a book about severely impoverished kids whose families pick through trash in order to find articles which can be recycled for money or goods be interesting? I wouldn't have thought this book would hold much appeal to me, but I found myself immediately drawn into the lives of Raphael, Gardo and Rat.
The story is told in bits and pieces of Raphael's discovery of a man's wallet, photos and a key. Gardo, his best friend, brings Rat into the picture to help hide their find from police.
This is a classic story which shows the disparity between the "haves" and the" have nots" in society. There is a mystery the boys must solve before the police do. Raphael is taken in for questioning by the police and barely escapes with his life. None of the boys or the others who live at the dump trust the police.
This is a fast read, almost like an adventure book. If you want to learn how some people who live in a third world country exist, this is a title you will surely enjoy.

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